Thursday, January 10, 2008

Hello from the land down under

12 Apostles

Yes the toilets really do flush the other way! If you are like me, you have been dying to see this for yourself! So I happy to report that myth is TRUE!

I arrived last weekend in Melbourne, where I met up with my pal, Amy from High School. Arriving in the airport I almost felt like I was back home. It has been strange going from countries like Thailand and China that have so many differences to one that is rather similar to the States.

Amy and I at Apollo Bay
Upon arrival I took the bus into town and was dropped at the Southern Cross station and was told my hostel was a short walk down the road. I love to walk, so I thought why not. Well thank god it was down hill, because the temperature was a balmy 85 degrees at 11pm! So by the time I schlepped all my stuff to the hostel I was dripping, which was exactly the impression I wanted to leave on the very cute Aussie behind the counter at the hostel. Leave it to me to charming.
Urban Central turned out to be a great modern hostel with everything we needed!
An overlook on the Great Ocean Road

Ferns in the temperate rainforest

On Sunday Amy arrived and we got our barrings and made a general plan for our adventures. The rest of our time in Melbourne included, lots of walking and soaking up the sun and warm temps ( most so for Amy.. I am almost cold here sometimes!) Great dinners at places like the chocolate Buddha, short and lucrative visits to the Casino ( I won $48 on the slots machines!) a walk to Port Melbourne and most memorable a trip down the Great Ocean Road including a helicopter ride over the 12 apostles!
Sydney Opera House

We departed from Melbourne via bus last night, destination Sydney. Well 14 hours later we arrived in Sydney. Not the speediest way, but definitely cheap. Trust me there were moments I was questioning whether I would ever do this again. There were some great personalities on board, like the couple in front of me that hadn't bathed in a few days and reeked of nicotine... they we pretty awesome, or the guy who decided it would be cool to play the music on his phone for the whole bus to hear, also equally charming and wonderful at 2 am in the morning when you really want to sleep. Oh the experiences we are having. In the end we made it to Sydney and are loving it. We have already visited the harbour and did a speed boat tour which was a thrill. Our plan it to stay here until Sunday, but due to slight complication ( I left my passports, travelers checks and plane tickets in Melbourne) we may have a to stay a few more if the fed ex package doesn't arrive tomorrow. Oh the joys of traveling :)

Hope everyone is well!


Tyler said...

Glad that you are having a great time in Australia!! I am dying to go there. Sorry to hear about the left items, but continue having a great time!!

Anonymous said...

I got your post card today and was sooo excited/jealous! I'm glad you think Australia is beautiful, too! It's going to be hard to leave, let me tell ya! I laughed when I read that you left your stuff -- my story was similar: i got to the airport in the U.S. several hours early (my mom made a mistake on the time) so we wasted time around Dulles Town Center and ended up a bit late to the airport....only then realizing I left my ticket to Australia at home. Long story short, they wouldn't give me an electronic ticket, the customer service man on the phone called me stupid (and wasn't joking), and I had to pay money for a re-issued ticked. I already told you how they wouldn't take our travellers checks in Australia, either, lol. Anyway, that's just traveller's luck. I hope you are enjoying yourself and SO glad you've tried Tim Tams! Let me know if you get to contact my family or need me to contact them for you! have fun! xoxo Heather

Dharma said...

14 hours on a bus... now THAT is travel dedication. you'll be a pro by the time WE go somewhere amazing!