Monday, February 11, 2008

Trains and Planes and Automobiles....

My Grandfather 'Vati' and I

I made it! I made it to Switzerland after oh... about 40 hours of traveling. I arrived last Monday and met my mom at the Airport, who had flown in from the States that morning as well. It was actually perfect timing. I was 2 hours late and she was 30 mins early so we arrived within 10 minutes of each other. I deliriously disembarked the plane and wondered down the escalator and saw a women at the bottom who looked quite alot like my very own mom. Not wanting to make a total fool of myself, and feeling even more blind then I normally am, I squinted my eyes and stared but was not about to wave at someone who might not be my mom. She was staring right at me and not waving... so it probably was not her. But it was, I only was sure, when I was about 10 feet away... a sign I really need to see the eye doctor!

I have to say it was quite an adjustment all around. When I left Cairns it was 36° and when I stepped outside in Bern it was snowing! As beautiful as it was, my body has completely vetoed the change in temp and it is not happy! I have unfortunately been sick since then. I am just glad my body waited until now, since I have my own bed and coach to lounge on... its the perfect place to the be under the weather.

Other then reading, playing solitare and doing puzzles, I have been hanging out lots with my family which has been great. My 94 year old grandparents are inspirational. They are in incredible shape for there age... although my grandfather likes to tell me he is ' old man river'! It always brings back such great memories of my childhood when I am here with them.

I have 2 more weeks here, and plan on heading to the mountians to do some hiking and skiing... which I can not wait for!

Whitehaven Beach... one of my last adventures in Oz

A dreary wet day in Bern

Hanging out with my Cousins cuties!

Can you tell by the mud what a good time we had on our walk?!?

The mountains... view from my uncle's house

So there is a brief view into my lazy time here in Switzerland. I will try to update when I take some more interesting pictures.