Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas from Sunny Khoa Lak

Merry Christmas! I must say being in a warm climate for Christmas is quite strange! I know its Christmas, but it doesn't really feel like it. None the less its been a fun last week.

The perfect Sunset at Bang Niang Beach
On Saturday I spend the day at the beach with two of my volunteer friends. We were incredibly lazy and just sipped on watermelon shakes and I got incredibly roasted, so I ended my day with a oil massage! It was a great day!

On Sunday I had to do my Visa run to Myanmar ( formally Burma). This was an experience. You pay about 1,500 Baht, this is about $45. I left Khao Lak about 8 am, hopped on a minibus with some other visa runners, and drove 3 hours north to Ranong. Here you are taken into the immigration office, to depart Thailand. Then when you walk out of the office, some Thai man takes your passport, probably the worst feeling for an international traveler! You are then put back on the minibus, driven to the pier, put on a long tail boat and driven across the river to ( the name of the city escapes me at the moment, Myanmar). Once there you are hurried on the boat, by a whole lot of Burmese dudes, asking you questions and of course you have no idea what they are saying. You try to be polite, but don't want to be too polite and be misunderstand. Luckily there were too other English speakers with me, Tony from Manchester England, and a girl from Vancouver. Once off the boat, you wait in another line, to enter and then immediately exit the country. You are then put back on the boat driven back across the river/sea and taken back to Thai immigration office to re-enter the country! Then 3 hours back in the minibus! Good times. You are probably wondering why on earth I did that! Well as a tourist you are given 30 days to see the country and then you have to leave, or pay 1000 Baht a day you stay over. My stay is 38 days, so 8000 baht would just not be fun to pay! Proof I was in Myanmar
Sunday night myself and a few other volunteers, went to the orphanage with a box of Christmas presents. ( Yes I am aware many of them are Buddhist and Muslim) But we wanted to share our tradition with them and give them all something special, as they all deserve it! My pal Colette was the master mind behind the selecting the gifts, I donated to the funds and wrapped the presents. Presents included sewing kits for the girls, fishing rods for the boys, art kits, key boards, recorders, rubix cubes, a guitar, etch-o-sketch, and playdo for the little ones.

Hmmmm... What's in here???

When we arrived the first thing they all saw, ( kids have a special radar) was the giant box of presents! We were able to distract them for a good 1+hrs by playing with them. I turned into a 10 years old again and was running around, and rolling in the dirt. It was awesome! Not only was a dripping in sweat, but the sweat was attracting dirt, and awesome combo! I was sooo dirty by the end of the night.
Rolling around and getting pounced on by 4 year olds! Couldn't ask for more!

Me and Little Ben!

We ate delicious meal with the kids and then opened presents. Oh but before we did this, they all made a circle around us and joined hands and in their very best English, Thanked us for being there and for all the presents. It took all that was in me to not cry!

Once it was time for presents, they all sat quietly and we put on our Santa hats (literally) and started to hand out presents. They all waited until everyone had a present to rip the paper open and see what was inside. I cant describe to you the looks on their faces when they opened their gifts... all I can say was it took a lot to not let the tears that had welled up stream right down my face! Truly a priceless moment! One I will never forget!

Mess with his new Keyboard

Anything can happen on Christmas right? Even snow in Thailand!

After presents we had a dance party... honestly one of the best I had ever attended. (No offense friends, but dancing with kids is way better! No pressure to look cool.... lords knows I am a fool on the dance floor, but the kids loved it ( at least I think that what there laughter meant ;) It was a great scene the older ones dancing the younger ones decorating themselves in the wrapping paper, and playing in the box.

Soon it was time to go. About 10 of the kids came with the owner to drive us back to town. As some of you may know the 3 year anniversary of the Tsunami is tomorrow. Many, if not all of these children lost their parents and loved ones in the Tsunami. Driving into town where is all happened is hard for them. Many of them got really quiet and had sad looks on their faces as we drove into town. It was one of the hardest things to see. All you want to do is make them smile and all they need is unconditional love. Saying goodbye was hard that night, but tonight I will go back and spend my Christmas night with them! Cant wait to see them!

A waterfall in Khoa Sak National Park

Yesterday I went with two friends to Khao Sak National Park to be a tourist for the day. Boy did I feel like one at the end of the day, but it was worth it. We saw tons of stuff in one day which was great. The day started with Elephant trekking. I was a bit weary about how they treated the elephants at first, but then was pleasantly surprised! I was even able to sit on the elephants neck for some of the ride! This is a little scary when going down hill!

After elephant trekking we went to lunch and then on a canoe ride through the park. This was quite nice, because for the first time, I didn't have to paddle the canoe, I was getting chauffeured around. We saw some snakes and frogs and interesting birds from the boat. I wasn't able to catch the name because our guide spoke no English, but still it was nice to see.

Finally the tour finished with a visit to Monkey Temple. When you arrive you think oh sweet I get to feed monkey's! You walk a few feet in to this open area where there are tons of these little monkeys running around. Might I add their beige/brown coloring is great camouflage! I fed a few and then just wanted to take pictures. I got some alright shots. But I need to add that you should NEVER look a monkey in the eye. I did and almost got eaten for dinner! This little guy saw me and I guess was intimidated and started to run after me. I really wish I had it on video... you all would had peed your pants. Imagine me, getting chased by a tiny monkey! Might I add I was screaming too. Good times in Thailand!

Only a few more days here in Khoa Lak then its off to Phuket and Bangkok and finally next weekend to AUSTRALIA!!!!

Hope you all have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! I miss everyone, if you have snow where you are, go play in it for me!


OutdoorType said...

Merry Christmas! I'm actually a little jealous that you got to visit Burma, even for just a bit. :)

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas my friend! You are doing the most wonderful things for others this many people appreciate all you are doing right now! We miss you! Keep is wonderful! Best,

James said...


I hope your Christmas was enjoyable...your stories continue to impress me - and the children are just amazing!

Christmas here was between warm and cold - back and, it is very wet with cold, damp, rain - but, hey, I am back at work. The apartment tree went to slepp on the floor a couple of times, causing the banishment of a few already broken ornaments...though the spirit was high throughout the days leading up to the 25th, it paled in comparrison to your Christmas - and your images of the children...thanks for sharing those images with me...

Jon joins me in sending love and much encouragement...


Unknown said...

Sanna Vati and I just read your blog.It is a real joy. Keep it going

Unknown said...

Dear Sannah,

what a joy to participate in your adventure. You are a wonderful writer ans perfect fotographer.
I wish you a happy new year.
See you soon.