Sunday, December 9, 2007

It can get cloudy in Paradise

Paradise... what more can you ask for, a pineapple shake and a beautiful view!

Well its been about a week has it? Well I have to report that Thailand is just as beautiful as last week, just as hot, if not hotter, and it does rain in the dry season, contrary to what I thought!

I have not been volunteering much this last week because there have been several holidays and schools have been closed. Last Wednesday as I reported was the King's Birthday and everything was closed. And today is some other holiday, I am sad to say I am not sure what we are celebrating!

I discovered that it is much quicker to get to town by walking along the beach! This picture was taken along the way.

Last Thursday I was supposed to go work with the construction volunteers for the day. So I awoke early and walked the 2 km's to the 7 Eleven where I was told to meet them. Well 30 mins later, I figured out I had been forgotten. I hate to say this is an all to common theme with the volunteer center. It is not the most organized place. A bit frustrating to all the volunteers that came to Thailand and wanted to help, wanted their time to be spent doing good, not waiting at 7 elevens! A few hours later I got a call from another volunteer who also had been left. He was going to rent a motorbike and drive to the orphanage where the construction was happening, would I want a ride. I said sure, so we were on our way. 45 mins on a motorbike... its a long time. My butt was most definitely asleep upon arrival at the orphanage! Once there, we realized there really was no need for us to be there; there was hardly enough work for the 4 volunteers that were already there. So decided to find something that needed my help. What I found was that there was LOTS and LOTS of trash all over the property, so I took a trash bag and started collecting. After about 25 mins I had walked the entirety of the orphanage and collected a full trash bag of anything from chip bags, to oil containers to soup cans. it was pretty gross. The whole time I was wondering why don't they just throw their trash away in bags? Well I guess the children have not been taught this; its really quite sad. You notice that is doesn't get any better outside of the orphanage, the streets here are strewn with garbage! After picking up trash, I filled in a pot-hole with gravel and then helped pour some concrete, with that the day was over!

On Friday I was to begin my PADI open water certification course. I was really excited. The theory portion was cake, I sailed through the videos and was able to set up all of my equipment. Underwater skills, completely different story! I freaked out! I don't freak out often, but the underwater skills, gave me a panic! I was so disappointed. Luckily my instructor Pino, is awesome! He told me this was normal and not to be discouraged. He wanted me to still come out to the Similians to dive over the weekend. After sleeping on that idea, I decided I was not going to give up! I was going to give this another try!
Me and Pino, my dive Instructor

So yesterday I went out on the boat bright and early. The 1 1/2 hr ride was a bit nerving. I really didn't know how I was going to react to the water. Well I am happy to report, that I rocked! I was able to clear my mask, and practice some other skills and never once felt panicked or freaked out. We saw some super cool fish and coral as well. I saw 2 octopus( would that be octupi?) several trumpet fish, some really neat looking bright blue star fish and tons more. It is like swimming in a fish tank! So I am going to try the pool skills once more.
Jeremy, Anna, Pino, Me, Mel and Miriam on the Angel 1

Mel and I on the boat

Me on the boat
I have become quite good friends with the two dive master interns, Mel and Anna. They spend a few days a week on the boat and the others days back here in town, so we are able to hangout a bit. Yesterday on the way back to Tablamu, the port where all dive boats leave, Mel and I decided to sit at the very front of the speed boat. I think its the best seat in the house. You can see everything before anyone else can. We even saw a whale!! not sure what kind, but it was definitely a big one, judging by its backside!

About half way back, the skies started to turn dark, and for the first time in Thailand I felt a raindrop. I thought to myself no problem, its the dry season, I will be fine up here at the front of the boat with no cover! Well I was ok for the next few minutes until the heavens opened. At normal speeds this is ok, but when raindrops are being pelted at you going 60/70 miles an hour, it kinda hurts! Felt a bit like when you are skiing and they have the snow cannons on. Not only was it raining ( and as Jim Harmon says, when it rains you get wet!) it was also getting a bit cold. So Mel threw a somewhat dry towel at me to cover myself with. This helped a bit but really for the first time in Thailand I was cold!
After 2 hours on the speed boat we made it back! Not only was I a bit sunburned but also windburned, a really stunning combo!

Today I took a little walk to the one of the Tsunami 'monuments' the picture below is of a Navy boat, that was in Khao Lak 3 years ago to guard the King's son who was visiting here. The Tsunami pushed the boat 2.5 km inland!

I had to do some rearranging of plans for the remainder of my trip. Sadly I have to announce I am going to have to give New Zealand a rain check. I have decided that this solo traveling thing is ok, but I would much rather have my pals along for the ride! So I am going to save some money and go anther time. This means I will head straight to Switzerland from Australia. I am really excited about spending some quality time with the fam! With this said I will be home a few weeks early, at the end of Feb.

My Christmas plans are a bit in the air. My friend Emily was not able to get a flight here, so I will most likely stay here, spending some time in Phuket and a few days in Bangkok, before heading off to Australia.

Thanks to everyone who has been emailing and commenting on the blog. As I have said before I love getting mail. Traveling alone, has its pros and cons. I certainly have my lonely moments, where I want to jump into a time machine and be at home with all my friends and family. But I have also realized this is an amazing experience that I am very lucky to be having. I will be home before I know it, sitting at a desk wishing I was back on the beach in Thailand reading a book! So heres to taking one day at a time!

Hope everyone is well and not too cold, I am getting enough sun for the entire DC area, can you feel the warm vibes I am sending?

Have a great week,

Until next time....


Unknown said...

simply wonderful keep writing, love the motorbike story. In the sixties motorbikes were the way you moved in Switzerland. I know about asleep bum bum's

James said...


All looks great! I know how the relaxed atmosphere/environment can let one down...but you look as if you are having much fun!

I spoke with your mother last evening...she sounds well...Little Andrew seems to have had fun helping with the feather tree...and helping 'grandpa' with the village (?!?)...

In listening to your mother speak of Andrew, I thought back to your description of the orphanage...and the happiness of the children, though they had none of the materials we associate with such contentment...very beautiful writing...and very beautiful sentiment for the Holiday brought tears to the eyes for all of the right have many gifts, kiddo, among them writing...and making new friends - of any age - where ever you go...

The scuba-diving has been a treat to read about, as well...glad you have the courage to challenge yourself, time and easy to lose that ability to take risks...

I send a hug to you, and continue to discover the beauty of the people and places you see...


Unknown said...

Hi, Sanna -

I'm enjoying your writing - and all the beautiful people - you most of all!

Love you, Dad

Anonymous said...

Hi there! Thank you so much for sharing your blog with me! I check it almost daily for updates....and am always so excited to read about your adventures! Please keep is so much fun to read everything you are experiencing! Best wishes for wonderful travels!

Anonymous said...

Sanna girl... pineapple smoothie, huh? Pineapple smoothie with a kick? ;) The diving sounds so amazing. I'm so proud of you... OF COURSE you stuck with it and rocked, just like you are making these travels happen, finding ways to contribute and volunteer, and growing so much as a person. I'm so proud (and envious) of you and look forward to having you home to hear about it all first hand. Miss you terribly... xoxo

Anonymous said...

Ok, so am I the only one who thought the first picture was your fingers and a teeny, tiny little fruffy drink... Maybe so.
Let me know about your skiing plans if any.. and if you want some company!!! :) Oooh, and sign me up for the NZ trip!

Tyler said...

Glad to see that you are having a great time Sanna!!

Good job on the diving! I really need to get back underwater. That is awesome that you got to see some cool creatures.

Sorry to hear about NZ, but I agree with Cathy, sign me up!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Cathy, you are the only one who thought it was a picture of fingertips holding a teeny tiny fruffy drink. You crack me up.

Anonymous said...

Um, I didn't think it was a tiny drink until Cathy suggested it... now that's all I see!